Call for Rapid Testing for Covid-19

Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:36): (1446) My adjournment matter is for the Premier, and it relates to rapid testing. This government needs to understand that all of Victoria is absolutely hurting through this pandemic. This government needs to understand that locking people in their homes for 23 hours a day with a curfew or requiring a senior student to have a permit to get an education is not acceptable. This government needs to understand that every single arsenal, every single weapon, that can provide a level of new normality for Victorians is required.

Rapid testing is used overseas successfully. Rapid testing takes 15 minutes, and we—the Liberals and Nationals—had the opportunity on the steps of Parliament to see and witness it the other day. It takes 15 minutes. It recognises the protein on the virus. If it comes back positive, that is when that person goes and gets additional PCR testing—an additional framework to make sure they have an understanding whether they have Previous DocumentCOVIDNext Document or not. It is just ludicrous that in this day and age this government does not embrace all opportunities, and rather than pontificate, rather than be somehow high-minded or whatever their reason is—

Ms Crozier: Arrogance.

Ms BATH: Arrogance. It is just ludicrous that they are doing this. Country people are on their knees. Country businesses are on their knees. We know that people have been locked down for days and days and days in the city. It is just not good enough. So I call on the Premier—I call on him in all earnestness—to improve his credentials, adopt rapid testing and get our state back open. Embrace rapid testing. Work with various industries. Work with the education department so that teachers can use rapid testing. Work with transport systems so that they can use rapid testing. I call on the government; I urge the government. And the action I seek is that the Premier roll out rapid testing as soon as possible.