Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:59): (782) My question is to the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, the Honourable Steve Dimopoulos. Preparing specifically for the Commonwealth Games. and at the request of the Victorian government, the Morwell Gun Club had to find an additional $35,000 for works in terms of a new layout and access roads. Speaking at a public hearing, the secretary of the club said that this work was unbudgeted by the club and members had to dip into their own pockets to fund that $35,000. Some weeks after the cancellation, the Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy at the time, before the portfolio was embarrassingly removed, Minister Shing, said to the club – and she had organised the meeting – ‘We will look after you.’ That is what I recall from our meeting and our hearing the other day. I even recall Mr Galea wading into the discussion on this. But eight months on they are still waiting for their reimbursement. Minister, will you meet the commitment of Ms Shing and refund that $35,000 back to the club?