Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (09:48): Throughout the Andrews government’s fourth lockdown, which genomic sequencing has revealed is caused by systemic failures in our hotel quarantine, my electorate in Gippsland has not had one active case nor any exposure sites, yet the pain caused by lockdown restrictions on small business, on our community sport and on programs is harsh and unjustified. Gyms, dance studios, indoor sports, swimming programs, hydrotherapy for disabled and rehabilitation sessions—the list of things that the Andrews government has ground to a halt is long. Our pubs and our clubs are getting smashed. It is not only that the financial scattering of grant money will not compensate, it is also the social dislocation that is just so unfair. Like many constituents who have contacted me, I am concerned about the decline in our mental health and our physical health. This government has to listen to sense, and I call on it to release regional Victoria to pre-lockdown conditions this Thursday.