Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (11:09): Glengarry resident David Siddle turns 77 on this day. David, or ‘Daisy’ to his friends and work colleagues, loves his job. In a career that spans 60 years, Daisy has risen at 1 o’clock every morning every working day to transport timber into Australian Paper at Maryvale in Morwell. Every morning he starts his T909 B-double and begins work carting four to five loads of logs—a vital link in the supply chain that supports thousands of jobs upstream in the plantation and native timber industries and downstream in paper manufacturing and logistics.

Incredibly proud of his 60 years in the industry, his workmates at ANC are holding a special celebration barbecue for his friends and family this Friday.

Having seen many changes in technology and machinery, Daisy’s lifelong career and exemplary safety record show just how much timber means to people and how it has supported families for generations. In commenting on his significant milestone, Daisy acknowledged, ‘I wish I was 35 again so I could do it all over. I would be carting timber everywhere’. I hope the house joins with me to congratulate him on this exemplary service to the industry and surprise him with our acknowledgement. Well done, Daisy Siddle.