Emergency services personnel denied jab priority in Latrobe Valley

A Latrobe Valley CFA volunteer has shockingly been denied a second COVID vaccine at a walk in State Government run vaccination hub.

The CFA volunteer was refused entry at the walk-in counter after being told the Andrews Government was now prioritising the vaccination of construction workers.

Under the national vaccine program critical and high-risk workers, such as police and emergency services personnel are classified as a priority group and could walk into state run clinics to receive their vaccinations.

Under questioning in State Parliament today by The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath, Labor’s Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes refused to answer why emergency services personnel were no longer eligible for priority vaccinations at Victoria’s state run vaccination clinics.

Ms Bath said it is unjustifiable that frontline emergency services workers have been removed from the vaccine priority list in Victoria by the Andrews Government.

“It’s disgraceful the Andrews Government policy is deliberately denying CFA volunteers from completing their Covid vaccination program at the state’s walk in clinics,” said Ms Bath.

“Minister Symes must stand up for the health and wellbeing emergency service workers instead of backing the Premier’s free pass to his construction industry mates.

“The rights of emergency services workers to be vaccinated as a priority must be reinstated.”

“Emergency services are essential frontline workers and they must continue to have prioritised access for both their first and second vaccinations at all state run clinics.

“Our CFA volunteers play a critical role in our frontline emergency response including attending road accidents and fires, they should not be denied access to the vaccine and should never be shunted to the back of the queue.