Gippsland Girl Guides visit at State Parliament

Gippsland Girl Guides and Leaders have enjoyed afternoon tea and a tour of State Parliament House hosted by The Nationals Member for Eastern Victorian Region, Melina Bath.

Ms Bath said she had established the Gippsland Girl Guides State Parliament visit as an annual event following their successful tour last year.

“Gippsland Girl Guides work hard to build and mentor community leaders, it’s important their community work is recognised, supported and celebrated,” said Ms Bath.

“As a grassroots community group, Girl Guides empower young girls and women to be confident, self-respecting and responsible individuals.”

Ms Bath is an Ambassador for the Gippsland Girl Guides and a keen supporter of the development programs the organisation delivers and promotes.

Ms Bath said she regularly attends Girl Guide events across Gippsland and is consistently impressed by their spirit of giving and positive enthusiasm.

“Gippsland Girl Guides and their passionate leaders are wonderful role models in our local community.

“They promote citizenship, volunteerism, social awareness, strategic thinking, problem solving and self-reliance, which fosters positive change.

“Each of these values will develop the participants to become future leaders for society.”

During their visit to Parliament House, the Gippsland Girl Guides enjoyed a guided tour and observed speeches in both the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council.

Ms Bath was joined by Gippsland Liberal Nationals members of the Legislative Assembly, Danny O’Brien, Member for Gippsland South, Tim Bull, Member for Gippsland East and Gary Blackwood, Member for Narracan.

“Each Gippsland Member of Parliament shared experiences representing their community, answered questions and explained their passion for their individual electorates.

“The girls were interested in learning more about local issues and how Members brought them to the attention of State Parliament.”

Ms Bath said it was an honour to once again host Gippsland Girl Guides.

“They represent everything that is good in the world and I thank their leaders and families for travelling to Melbourne to attend State Parliament.

“It was wonderful to continue my association with Gippsland’s Girls Guides and provide a positive experience to actively broaden the knowledge and minds of young Gippslanders,” Ms Bath concluded.