Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (09:41): It is incredibly disappointing that we have a government that refuses to listen to one of the highest authorities in our state and we have the Honourable Robert Redlich AM KC having to write a letter to the President and the Speaker and for that letter to contain such serious details. I have printed it from a media website:

Dear Speaker and President

I am writing to you as the newly elected Parliament to bring to Parliament’s attention, IBAC’s concerns about the composition of the Parliamentary Integrity & Oversight Committee (IOC). As set out below, IBAC has been concerned for some time now that partisan politics has intruded into the workings of the Committee on issues of integrity. IBAC respectfully requests that Parliament give urgent consideration to the structure and composition of the new IOC and to whether some amendment of the Parliamentary Committees Act 2013(PCA) is required.

It goes on to say:

IBAC’s experience with the IOC, particularly in the last twelve months, evidences a lack of fairness, partisanship and leaking of information to the media.

This is a disgrace.