Labor’s State of Emergency extended again after another dodgy deal with independent MP’s

A dodgy deal with three cross bench MP’s has enabled Daniel Andrews’ to extend the State of Emergency in Victoria until the end of 2021.

The Animal Justice Party, The Greens and The Reason Party all voted with Labor MP’s to support Daniel Andrews, keeping his unprecedented State of Emergency powers for a further nine months.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath who voted against the Bill said the State of Emergency nine month extension hands enormous power to the Premier and a small number of unelected officials with little capacity for oversight and accountability.

“The extension handed on a platter to the Andrews Government by independent MP’s, delivers the Premier continued authority to make far-reaching decisions, including snap lockdowns, spending taxpayer dollars without parliament’s oversight and closures of our state’s borders,” said Ms Bath.

“Daniel Andrews now has unrestrained power over the lives of all Victorians without the need for oversight and accountability.

“The five-day lockdown to address COVID cases in Melbourne – saw regional children again told not to go to school and cost Gippsland businesses tens of thousands of dollars.”

The Nationals and Liberals sought an amendment to allow month by month extensions to the State of Emergency and the introduction of pandemic specific legislation similar to NSW, but it was rejected by the Andrews Government.

Ms Bath said this latest power grab by Daniel Andrews forces Victorians to spend the remainder of the year living in a state of uncertainty.

“The recent five day statewide lockdown shows the Premier is not acting with responsibility or leadership,” said Ms Bath.

“We have a Premier more interested in exercising control than learning from past mistakes.

“Every Victorian is paying the price for Daniel Andrews’ continued failures in hotel quarantine and contact tracing.

“The Andrews Government has refused to release the public health advice behind the latest lockdown.

“No-one is denying sensible measures must be taken, however it should never come at the expense of democracy and transparency,” Ms Bath said.