Labor’s State of Emergency measures passed after dodgy deal with independents

A dodgy deal with three cross bench MP’s has seen Daniel Andrews’ State of Emergency legislation rammed through State Parliament.

The Animal Justice Party, The Greens and The Reason Party voted in support of Daniel Andrews, keeping his unprecedented State of Emergency powers for a further six months.

Members of Parliament were controversially forced to commence debate prior to receiving a final draft of the Andrews Labor Government’s legislation.

During the committee stage Labor MPs, on multiple occasions, voted to stop questions gagging debate on the legislation.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said she was extremely disappointed at the arrogance and utter contempt the Andrews Government has shown Victorians.

“The extraordinary powers delivered through the State of Emergency have been forced through with no liability and no responsibility,” said Ms Bath.

“Daniel Andrews’ approach throughout the coronavirus crisis has been completely lacking openness and accountability, and his government forced through a murky deal with the help of independents.

“A State of Emergency should only be given with tight controls and proper parliamentary scrutiny.”

Ms Bath said Victorians are in lockdown due to the mismanagement and incompetence of the Andrews Government’s bungled hotel quarantine program.

“Daniel Andrews has now been handed a dangerous new blank cheque to continue locking Victorians down and inflict further social and economic damage.

“Regional Victorians will continue to suffer because the Andrews Labor Government mismanaged outbreaks in the city.

“Throughout the pandemic, Labor has deliberately refused to be transparent.

“No-one is denying sensible measures must be taken, however this should never come at the expense of democracy and transparency,” Ms Bath said.