Minister evasive on future of out of home care in South Gippsland

The Salvation Army recently advised the Andrews’s Labor Government it will be withdrawing from the provision of out of home care services in South Gippsland.  Out of home care services includes residential care, foster care and transitional care.

The Andrews Labor Government’s Jenny Mikanos, Minister for Families and Children was questioned in State Parliament last week on the reason behind the withdrawal.

Melina Bath said she was very concerned that families and children in South Gippsland that rely on out of home care need continuity and surety.

“Additionally carers impacted by the withdrawal require support.  The Minister must provide a guarantee that the State Government will actively assist carers’ transition their employment to other community service agencies in the region.

“Unfortunately when questioned Minister Mikanos was more interested in talking about Canberra than answering the question about the future of South Gippsland foster families.

“The Ministers response provided no assurance that foster care families and their children would not be disadvantaged in the change.

“I am terribly disappointed but not surprised that the Andrews Labor Government chose deflection and fobbed us off.  They did not address the question and instead provided an evasive response.

“The South Gippsland community deserve better than the smoke screen provided by Labor.

“The stability of agencies coordinating out of home care is vital in delivering a responsive and quality service.  The Andrews Labor Government has a responsibility to provide confidence in the management of the out of home care and I will continue to push for answers for the people of South Gippsland.