Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:46): My question is for the Minister for Public Transport, and it relates to Moe residents, who are most concerned about a derelict and abandoned petrol station in Lloyd Street, Moe. It is an eyesore, and it is a contaminated site. The tanks have been removed, and the land is owned by VicTrack and V/Line. The leasing and parent companies in Queensland are doing nothing to rehabilitate or maintain the land The Latrobe City Council is being forced to maintain that land through slashing and the like, but the residents are most concerned. The community want to rehabilitate the land and get it to turn into something that is usable and not an eyesore in the town, so I ask the minister: will he undertake to commit to enforcing the conditions of the lease to rehabilitate the land and work with the Latrobe City Council to see the land is developed for the best use of the Moe community?