Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:28): I am really pleased to ask a question to the Minister for Agriculture in relation to next season’s duck hunting season. La Niña has brought steady rains across Victoria, which has led to increased duck numbers. Will you, Minister, oppose the Coalition Against Duck Shooting’s push to ban duck shooting and commit to a full season in March 2021?
Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:30): I note the minister’s what we would call a rant. Minister, this is a very serious issue, and your government has publicly committed to the adaptive harvest program for duck game hunting. If hunting is not to be part of the management of this species, how will you control duck numbers?
Ms Symes: I missed the start.
The PRESIDENT: Ms Bath, can you repeat the question, please?
Ms BATH: I am happy to repeat the question. Your government has publicly committed to the adaptive harvest model and program for duck game hunting. If hunting is not part of managing this species, how will you control duck numbers?