Question – Duck Season 2021 reductions

Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:07): My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. Unjustified delays, a wet year—the Game Management Authority has declared that there will be a reduced Previous Documentduck season, and it has been met with huge frustration from many of my constituents—three weeks rather than 12 and a bag limit of only two per day. The evidence to support a full season was provided to the GMA by the Victorian Duck Hunters Association, Field and Game, the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and many others. There has been ideal rainfall across the state, and it has meant that Gippsland particularly has really good populations of game birds. By contrast to the GMA, Tasmania has announced a full 14-week season and a bag limit of 10 birds. My constituents want to know: will you release the full evidence and data used by the GMA to base its decision to only allow a drastically modified duck season for 2021?