The Minister for Agriculture, Mary-Anne Thomas, has been called on to justify the decision to severely restrict Victoria’s duck season.
In State Parliament this week, The Nationals Member for Eastern Victorian Region, Melina Bath, said recreational hunters were frustrated and extremely disappointed at the Andrews Labor Government’s decision to severely restrict the season without justification.
“20 days and a two-bird limit is nothing more than a token gesture given current evidence shows bird populations are at sustainable levels and that there’s been above-average rainfall across eastern Australia in the past 12 months,” Ms Bath said.
“In contrast, the Tasmanian state government has announced a full 3-month season and a 10-bird bag limit.
“Evidence to support a full duck season was provided to the GMA by the Victorian Duck Hunters Association, Field and Game Australia, Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and the Shooting Sports Council of Victoria.
“Recreational hunters deserve to be shown the data and science behind the decision to heavily restrict duck season.
“The question remains how can the wild duck population can be found to be so drastically different in two neighbouring states.
“I have called on the Minister to release the scientific evidence behind its decision because as it looks right now, it just doesn’t stack up.”
The Minister has 30 days to respond.