Statement on Victoria’s Sustainable Native Timber Industry

Today’s statement from the Andrews Government on the establishment of the Gippsland Centre of the National Institute for Forest Products Innovation (NIFPI) is insulting to Gippsland’s native timber workers.

This is a thinly veiled attempt by the Agriculture Minister Jaclyn Symes to show support to an industry the Andrews Government is hell bent on tearing down.

Minister Symes’ words are nothing more than media spin.

This centre is a Federal Government initiative to enhance innovation in plantation based and sustainably managed native forestry, yet Minister Symes has used the opportunity to talk about the Andrews Government’s plan which will see the axing of thousands of Gippsland jobs.

This is the same Minister who continues to refuse to meet with seven East Gippsland timber contractors and save jobs in our regional community.

Once again, I am calling on the Andrews Government to overturn their devastating decision to close Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry.

I welcome the Federal Government’s continued investment in Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry and the support it is providing to Gippsland timber workers and their families.


Melina Bath MP

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region