Newhaven Jetty indefinite closure
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (21:01): (913) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Ports and Freight, and it relates to the Newhaven Jetty, which has been deemed…
Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (21:01): (913) My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Ports and Freight, and it relates to the Newhaven Jetty, which has been deemed…
The inadequate condition of Parks Victoria infrastructure at Wilsons Promontory National Park has been highlighted in State Parliament by The Nationals. Wilsons Promontory National Park is a much loved destination…
Two years on from the June 2021 storms, public access to the Morwell National Park remains limited due to unrepaired infrastructure. Three access bridges in the 560 hectare Morwell National…
The private details of campers booking at Wilson’s Promontory’s Tidal River campground have had their user details compromised by the Andrews Government’s new website. The government website states, “Parks Victoria…
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region and Shadow Assistant Minister for Public Land Use, Melina Bath has called on the Andrews Government to urgently grade the access roads and…
Timber communities have vowed to fight back against Daniel Andrews’ policy to shut Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry. A round table forum held in Heyfield attended by community members, harvesters,…
Wild dog 1080 baiting control must continue for the ongoing protection of livestock and native wildlife, says Gippsland Nationals MP, Melina Bath. Speaking in state parliament last week, Ms Bath…