Triple zero overhaul will be backed by Latrobe Valley

The Nationals and Liberals have acted to restore confidence in Triple-Zero, announcing a further $125 million investment into the critically important emergency health service.

The $125 million funding will come from reprioritising the $35 billion the Andrews Labor Government set aside for the Cheltenham to Box Hill rail line.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said Triple Zero is a service that all Victorians rely on, and Latrobe Valley locals would welcome an additional $125 million injection into the service.

“Every Victorian deserves to have confidence that when they dial Triple-Zero, someone will answer their call and help will be on the way.

“It’s critical to get Triple-Zero working again, restore community confidence and ensure help will be there in an emergency.

“Labor has been in government 20 out of the past 24 years in Victoria – Daniel Andrews simply can’t be trusted when he says he will fix Victoria’s broken health system.

“Daniel Andrews continually refused to provide additional funding when the system was clearly broken and left staff reliant on pen and paper dispatch programs.

“This November, Victorians have a clear choice when they vote – a major investment in Triple-Zero and our health system or a train line from Cheltenham to Box Hill that will be completed in 13 years’ time.”

The recent report by the independent Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) confirmed 33 Victorians died due to Triple-Zero failings.

Furthermore, the IGEM found that the absence of a common IT system and only 16 per cent of staff being trained across multiple services have contributed to poor outcomes.

The Nationals and Liberals announcement will provide an additional $125 million on top of the $333 million allocated in the 2022-23 budget to fix Triple-Zero, by:

  1. Upgrading all IT systems including a new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system and a fully functional new back-up system with sufficient capacity for surge demand,
  2. Facilitating multiple service training for 50 per cent of all call taking and dispatch staff,
  3. Refocusing staff recruitment on frontline call taking and dispatch roles, not corporate positions,
  4. Delivering sustainable ongoing funding, which Triple-Zero has been requesting since 2015.


The Nationals candidate for Morwell, Martin Cameron said it’s been well documented how the Triple Zero crisis has been impacting everyday people – from significant delays in call answering to not having their calls answered at all.

“The Triple Zero crisis has been incredibly distressing for so many families across Victoria,” said Mr Cameron.

“So many have lost faith in a system that we should have confidence in.

“It’s not unreasonable to expect that your call to emergency services is answered and an ambulance is dispatched when you need it.

“The Victorian health crisis has been happening for many years, Covid has exposed the underfunding in ambulance and hospitals.

“Daniel Andrews is the same person that seven years ago promised Morwell a new Ambulance Station, to date not even a blade of grass has been turned over.

“Fixing our broken health system is the priority before any more costly major infrastructure projects are committed to – The Nationals want these funds reinvested into our health system for all Victorians.”