Volunteer Award Nominations Closing Soon

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath is encouraging Gippslanders to nominate a valued volunteer in the local community for the Volunteer Champions Award.

Ms Bath said the awards recognise and reward the tireless efforts of the many volunteers who keep our rural communities strong.

“Volunteers form the backbone of our regional communities providing social support, safety, education, sports, and recreational opportunities.

“It would be wonderful to see a Gippsland volunteer receive public recognition for their tireless service to our community.

There are four award categories for which Volunteers can be nominated:

  • Impact – volunteers who have delivered a significant improvement or achievement for their organisation, sector or community through their service
  • Leadership – volunteers with or without formal leadership positions who have succeeded in bringing groups of people together to solve a problem or provide a service to the community
  • Service – celebrating volunteers who have dedicated their efforts over a significant period of time
  • Teamwork – for groups of volunteers that through collaboration and teamwork have delivered exceptional results for their project, organisation or community.

Nominations for Volunteer Awards are closing soon on Friday 28 June 2019.

The State winner will receive the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Award.

To nominate a dedicated volunteer for an award visit volunteer.vic.gov.au/awards