War on waste – Liberal Nationals commit to zero waste to landfill by 2035

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said the Liberal Nationals in government will end household waste going to landfill by 2035 in Victoria.

Ms Bath said she wholeheartedly welcomes the ground-breaking plan that will also secure a new source of reliable, clean energy.

“The plan confronts Victoria’s waste crisis under Labor head on, declaring a war on waste,” said Ms Bath.

Ms Bath was a member of the Legislative Council’s Environment and Planning Committee which conducted the Inquiry into Recycling and Waste Management in Victoria.

Ms Bath said after participating in Committee hearings and reading Inquiry submissions, it was evident Victoria is in the midst of a waste crisis.”

“Gippsland councils presented, and businesses and individuals made comprehensive submissions to the Inquiry, highlighting regional issues.

“Gippslanders already recycle and separate their waste as much as possible, however, more needs to be done by the State Government to reduce landfill and move to zero waste,” said Ms Bath.

“Under Labor, recycling waste has been stockpiling.

“Frustratingly consumer’s positive recycling behaviours have not led positive environmental outcomes.

Ms Bath said the Liberal Nationals new and innovative policy will introduce the largest environmental overhaul in Victoria in decades and meet the needs of our community.

“The Liberal Nationals $120 million Zero to Landfill plan will invest in energy-from-waste technology which will use Victoria’s household waste to generate low- emission energy,” said Ms Bath.

“Australian Paper’s planned energy-from-waste project will be the first of its kind in Australia.

“It is wonderful to see a significant Latrobe Valley employer leading the way to stop waste going to landfill.

“Currently there are more than 500 energy-from-waste facilities in Europe. This proven technology is making a significant and positive impact on waste management worldwide.”

The Liberal Nationals targets will see a 33 per cent reduction in household waste to landfill by 2025, a 66 per cent reduction by 2030 and a 100 per cent reduction by 2035.

Ms Bath said Victoria desperately needs to reduce the waste we send to landfill, and we also need new, low emission sources of energy.”

“Regional communities have been calling for a solution to Labor’s worsening waste crisis,” said Ms Bath.

“Energy-from-waste technology is an opportunity to make a real difference for future generations and the Nationals in government will bring it to Victoria to solve today’s problems and help future generations.”