Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath, has called for ongoing Youth Crime Prevention funding for projects that tackle youth crime prevention within the Latrobe Valley.
“Victoria is suffering from unprecedented crime on our streets and in our homes. Alarmingly, the crime wave is flowing down into the Latrobe Valley.”
“The Latrobe Valley possesses the highest rate of alleged offences for the whole of Eastern Victoria, which represents an 8.7% increase for the past twelve month period. This is worrying” Ms Bath said.
“Of equal concern is an alarming increase in the rate of crimes committed by our youths.”
Ms Bath acknowledged the initiatives of local youth support agencies that are implementing the ReBoot project for 10 – 14 year olds and there needed to be greater commitments to ongoing youth engagement and crime prevention programs.
“Youth unemployment for the region remains 50% higher than the state average, reflecting a distinct lack of job opportunities that might give our young people hope for their future”, Ms Bath said.
“Projects that provide engagement are critical and deserve more than two years of tokenistic support.”
“Daniel Andrews and the Labor Government are failing our youths and our communities by not providing long term commitments.”