The VEC has officially declared the state election results for standing candidates in the Upper House for Eastern Victorian Region with The Nationals Melina Bath successful in being re-elected.
Ms Bath said it is a privilege to have been re-elected and is looking forward to continuing to serve Gippsland, represent constituents and advocate on issues that are important to locals.
“Gippsland is a wonderful place to live and grow a family and I passionately believe in the betterment for our rural and regional communities.
“I wish to congratulate all the candidates who sought Upper House seats for the Eastern Victoria Region. I was incredibly humbled to be re-elected in a large field of candidates.
“The state wide election result has been a bitter sweet situation with some good friends and colleagues losing their positions, however, overall, The Nationals primary vote held up well across regional Victoria. I do not take my role for granted and I understand what a privilege it is to serve.
Ms Bath said she is determined to hold the Labor Government to account to deliver on the promises made to the people of Gippsland.
“Daniel Andrews must keep his commitment to govern for all Victorians and I will work to see that Labor does follow through and deliver on the commitments made to our region.
“My constituents have my word that I will work every day for our local community to demand that Gippslanders receive the services, infrastructure and investment we need and deserve.
“Being the Member for Eastern Victoria Region has been a rich experience and honour serving the Gippsland community over the past three years and I sincerely look forward to continuing in this role for another four years.
“Finally I would like to issue a huge thank you to my dedicated staff who work with professionalism to assist our constituents. Thank you also to my fabulous parliamentary Nationals colleagues, my constituents, my wonderful family and friends for your unwavering support, which has allowed me to fulfil my role.
The Nationals have re-elected Peter Walsh and Steph Ryan unopposed as Leader and Deputy Leader of the Victorian Nationals