Bath calls on Labor to focus on local needs for rehab centre

The Andrews Labor Government has missed the mark in relation to the planned residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Latrobe Valley.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said The Andrews Labor government’s residential youth drug rehabilitation centre will be ‘open to referred young people from across the state’.  It is not primarily dedicated to supporting locals.

“I am calling on the Andrews Labor Government to rethink and make this residential rehabilitation centre for Latrobe Valley an all age facility,” said Ms Bath.

“Our community needs a residential rehab centre that services local people of all ages, but in contrast Labor is delivering a centre that will take youth from right across the state.”

“The Latrobe Valley has been continually advocating for an all age residential rehab centre.

“Often it is only after years of addiction that people recognise their drug related problems and are ready to commit to rehabilitation.

“The state government has unfortunately not made Latrobe Valley residents their first priority.”