The need for a new Corinella Boating and Angling Clubhouse has been raised as a priority project in state parliament this week by The Nationals.
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath called on the Andrews Government to finish funding a facility that will serve the not only the 200 members, but the wider Corinella community.
Ms Bath said the Corinella Boating and Angling Club is an active and inclusive community group that supports Bass Coast locals and as well as visitors who flock to the area each year.
“Insufficient funding is holding back the development that will also act as a multipurpose community facility.
“The reality is the Andrews Government knows this project has substantial merit – it made an election commitment of $200,000 for its establishment, but for it to be successfully constructed the state government must double the funding on offer.
“The total investment is modest by any standard; however, the delivery of the required funding will reap enormous benefits to the Corinella community and visitors.
“I’m seeking a genuine funding commitment from the Andrews Government that will see the completion of the much needed facility.
“Applications to make up the funding shortfall have been made to Regional Development Victoria and the Regional Infrastructure Fund, but they were surprisingly unsuccessful.
“Funding the project would benefit the local school, CFA, allow for the establishment of a local playgroup and address the club’s need for a space to host local events, administration, and operations.
“Fishing is a wonderful recreational pastime that brings people together in the great outdoors – it’s a fabulous way to relax, recharge and disconnect from the pressures of everyday life.
“The membership has outgrown holding meetings around kitchen tables – this club deserve a place to call home.
“Leaving the Corinella Boating and Angling Club without sufficient funding is unacceptable, and I’m calling on the Andrews’ Government to stump up the shortfall.”