Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:51): My constituency question is to the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, and it relates to a constituent who wrote to me only a few weeks ago saying that he owns one of the largest fireworks and pro audio entertainment businesses in my electorate. He operates fireworks both large and on a massive scale, but he also hires out all sorts of equipment—fairy floss machines, jumping castles etcetera. He is used by both small, local events and also large organisations, but his business came to an absolute screeching halt about 12 months ago. He says to me that the standards and expectations from the Victorian government are unclear and confusing both for industry and councils. He identifies the fact that the Tasmanian government has got a really good grants system up, so my question is to the minister: will the minister create and support my constituent with an events-ready grants program to help this industry survive post COVID?