The Foundation for Children are seeking expressions of interests for their next grant round.
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath said the Foundation for Children provide generous grants to fund a variety of projects which focus on improving the health, welfare and wellbeing of children living in Australia.
There are many Gippsland based agencies and individuals who support the health and welfare of children in Gippsland who would benefit from one of these grants,” said Ms Bath.
“I encourage Gippsland support agencies, research organisations, education providers and not for profit agencies to submit and an expression of interest to the foundation.”
The Foundation for Children preferences projects that supports children younger than 14 years of age, but will consider projects which support children up to 18 years.
Grants from the Foundation usually are around $50,000 – $80,000 per year for successful organisations, with a maximum amount of $100,000 for a one year project.
Two year projects can be applied for with a grant limit up to a maximum of $160,000. Projects that successfully receive a grant usually must be completed with 12 – 24 months.
Ms Bath said the expression of interest process was straightforward and quick to complete and must be emailed directly to Foundation for Children.
“As former teacher I understand the importance of children support services and community organisations who assist in the development, health and wellbeing of children.
“I am urging all eligible child based organisations to submit an expression of interest for a grant.”
More information on the Grants Guidelines and Foundation for children can be found on their website
Expression of interest forms can be downloaded from the web page. Applications for the Expression of Interest close on 30 September 2019. Late applications are not accepted.
Successful applicants will be notified during December and invited to submit a full application.