The Nationals Member for Eastern Victorian Region, Melina Bath Latrobe Special Developmental School – Media Statement

“Since coming to parliament in 2015, Latrobe Special Developmental School was one of the first groups I identified as a community priority.

The announcement today that the school will be located on a standalone site comes with much relief.

Congratulations to both the Latrobe SDS and Traralgon College for their perseverance and determination in rejecting the co-location concept.  All students deserve an individualised and supported learning environment.  Keeping both schools standalone will work towards achieving this.

For far too long the State Government has forced the students, teachers and families at Latrobe SDS to endure appalling facilities.

I will continue to watch this project with a keen eye and advocate for the best possible educational outcomes for students of both schools.

Our community has been forced to wait far too long to for these educational projects to be made a priority.

What is important now is for the State Government to provide a comprehensive timeline for bricks and mortar sooner rather than later for both school projects.  One statement will not build these schools.”