Have your say on the cost of living crisis

The Nationals have launched a survey to obtain a better understanding of how the cost-of-living crisis is biting local households and businesses.

The ‘Cost of Living Survey’ is a series of short questions to help locals have your voice heard, and to better understand the plight of hardworking regional Victorians.

Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron said the affordability of basic goods and services under Labor is worsening at an alarming rate.

“Families and businesses continue to be slugged by the Labor Government’s growing list of taxes and industry closures are damaging our local economy.

“It’s mind-blowing to know the Andrew Government is on the cusp of introducing its 50th new tax.

“Victoria is broke – fees and charges continue to soar and the basics such as energy bills and the weekly food shop are rapidly rising.

“Meanwhile core government services are being cut back, including education, health, and our crumbling road network.”

St Vincent de Paul reported early this year that homes in Gippsland will be hit the worst from price rises with their average combined energy bills hitting $4095 this year, up $995.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said many Victorian households are experiencing severe financial pain with expenses such as rent, council rates, power bills, groceries, public transport, and car registration all increasing.

“So many Victorians are struggling right now – bill stress is impacting the young, middle age and the old.

“As MP’s we speak with people daily who tell us that life is getting harder under Labor.

“It’s highly concerning to hear there’s little or no flexibility left in people’s household budget.

“Too many are forced to make seriously hard financial decisions or avoid paying bills so they can keep their car on the road, food on the table, children at school, medicines in the cupboard and a roof over their head.”

Mr Cameron said The Nationals are firmly focused on gaining a real understanding of the issues, advocating for locals and workshopping cost of living solutions that meet the needs of our communities.”

People are encouraged to have their say on the cost of living crisis by completing the survey at https://vicn.at/costofliving.