LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Regional Forestry Agreements

The extension of the Regional Forestry Agreements this week was bittersweet for the Victorian timber industry.

Victorians who rely on the timber industry to pay the bills and put food on the table will be relieved these new RFAs have finally been signed off, but it’s cold comfort while the Andrews Government is hell-bent on banning native timber harvesting by 2030.

I’m horrified by the lack of concern for timber workers and businesses shown by the Victorian Government in their management of this industry that is so vital to the Gippsland economy.

The Victorian Government stonewalled the process for years which only served to create more job uncertainty and damage confidence in the sector. Labor is doing everything it can to cause the timber industry as much pain as possible.

The Liberal Nationals will continue to stand side by side with the timber industry and workers against this ban that will destroy jobs and small communities throughout Gippsland.

If returned to government in 2022 the Victorian Liberal Nationals have committed to reverse the ban and support Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry.


Melina Bath
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region