Members Statement – Commonwealth Games

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (15:20): Labor’s cancelled Commonwealth Games is a complete debacle. Victorians now understand that it was a political stunt. Rural and regional Victorians have been conned and betrayed. Removing a portfolio does not hide the false spin of the former Minister for Commonwealth Games Legacy in this place.

Let the house reflect on some of Ms Shing’s failed promises:

  • We have a unique opportunity to partner with local businesses and contractors in bringing 2026’s Commonwealth Games to life and to support hundreds of jobs in the process…
  • That will create around 7500 jobs during and after the games…

and as I said before in my constituency question:

  • When we turn the eyes of the world to rural and regional Victoria and to the electorates of a number of people here on the opposition benches, who say they prioritise their communities, a return on investment of $3 billion is no laughing matter.

Minister, you promised that these games would be ‘the best games of our lives’.

Well, you have trashed Victoria’s reputation on the world stage.

You have trashed all that potential for international tourism, for jobs and for return on investment.

Instead you have smashed hopes and dreams of young athletes, and I call on you to apologise wholeheartedly to the people of Eastern Victoria Region.