Nationals timber compo fight

The Nationals are continuing to fight for Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry workers calling for greater transparency on the compensation program.

Speaking in State Parliament, The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said Labor has failed to provide clarity to timber industry contractors and workers over promised payouts.

“Haulage and harvest contractors, their workers, and associated forestry businesses remain in a terrible state of limbo waiting for the offer of an acceptable compensation package from Labor.

“Our hardwood timber industry is on permanent stand down, while harvesters are paying thousands in loan repayments on stranded machinery.

“Fair compensation must be forthcoming immediately.

“The Andrews Government must provide surety on stranded assets, foregone revenue compensation and worker support payments as a priority.”

Gippsland Nationals MPs have held numerous meetings with individuals and businesses impacted by Labor’s decision to shut the native timber industry.

Ms Bath said there is serious and justifiable concern over the Andrews Government’s forestry compensation consultation and the lack of transparency.

“While The Nationals remain categorically opposed to Labor’s cruel decision to close Victoria’s sustainable native timber industry – we will fight for the best outcome.

“Our hardwood haulage and harvester contractors, workers and associated forestry contractors are all in a terrible state of limbo.

“Businesses including civil operators, firewood licence holders, silviculture, seed collection, haulage, mechanics, and other supply chain businesses are completely in the dark.

“It’s vital all businesses are consulted and included in the state government’s compensation packages based on the closures operational impact.

“The Nationals will continue to fight for all native timber contractors and workers who have lost their livelihoods at the hands of the Andrews Government’s decision to close the native timber industry.”