SEA Electric – 500 promised jobs missing in Latrobe Valley

Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:22): My question is for the Minister for Employment. Minister, in October 2018 the Premier spruiked that by funding the manufacturing business SEA Electric the Latrobe Valley would become, and I quote, ‘the capital of electric vehicle manufacturing in Australia’. He also went on to say that it would create 500 new jobs. However, by February this year, 2½ years later, rather than 500 jobs, only four workers travel out of the Latrobe Valley to the Dandenong plant to work. Minister, exactly how much financial support has the Andrews government given to SEA Electric to create four jobs outside the Latrobe Valley?

Ms BATH: My supplementary is: Minister, given the desperate need for jobs in the Latrobe Valley and given that SEA Electric was to be the anchor tenant to attract state government funding to develop the Morwell logistics precinct, will the minister guarantee the full funding will still be available despite SEA Electric now not being the anchor tenant?